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Our Latest FASSE Involvement Flyer highlights what FASSE is doing for you and has a link to the Committee Interest Form and a QR code for the Association Membership Form.
FASSE has 4 standing committees:
- Negotiations – This committee is responsible for: 1) Meetings; 2) Open sessions; 3) Negotiated Agreement ratification updates
- Elections and Credentials – This committee is responsible for election duties according to Article XI of FASSE Bylaws
- Membership – This committee is responsible for: 1) Membership Recruitment Workshop; 2) Fall membership Drive; 3) Spring membership Drive; 4) General Assembly; 5) social activities; 6) ESP Day; 7) Membership Surveys; 8) Just Zooming Through; 9) Onboarding/In-Service events
- Sick Leave Bank/Family Crisis Leave Exchange – This committee is responsible for approving Sick Leave Bank grant applications and adhering to outlined policies and procedures
Other ways to get involved include:
- Association (Building) Representative – Our Building Reps are responsible for attending monthly meetings and sharing the opinions, concerns, etc. from their building members/member coworkers and disseminating information to members in their respective worksite/school
- Government Relations and Political Action – This committee works in conjunction with FCTA and FCASA and is responsible for: 1) attending Joint Government Relations meetings; 2) Voter registration; 3) Disseminating voting information; 4) Informational sessions
- Scholarship – This committee is responsible for: 1) Fundraising; 2) Selecting scholarship recipient
- Insurance Council – This committee works in conjunction with FCTA, FCASA, and FCPS to determine updates to staff benefits packages.
**Please submit a Committee Interest Form or contact the FASSE Board of Directors if you are interested in any of the opportunities above.**